Teaching My Daughter To Love Her Natural Kinks

I tried flat-ironing my daughter’s hair once and it didn’t work out for us. Don’t get me wrong, she looked absolutely fab u lous for the first 16 hours.  She stayed in the mirror about 15 of those hours, primping and prancing, telling me how beautiful she was. It was the looongest 15 hours of my life.

Not only did the new look transform her hair, it gave her a new personality. But then humidity. It hit like a ton of bricks and we watched her little press-n-go shrivel up before our very eyes. She literally went from long and flowy to bushy and kinky in minutes and she was devastated. She pouted for several days afterwards and kept asking me if she were still pretty. That’s when I decided the press/flat iron look was done…I was going to teach her to love her natural hair.

Styles aren’t always easy to create when your child’s curl pattern is tight, thereby cutting the length in half and making many styles out of reach. But after some trial & errors, YouTube tutorials, prayers, and fairy dust, I finally found some styles that accentuate her hair type. And she adores them all!

The all-natural finger coil:

This takes forever, but the result is amazing. Unfortunately it doesn’t last more than a day because the open hair starts to lock itself. But it’s great while it lasts!

Four french braids to the back:

This style lasts 2 days at the most, but once the parts are set, rebraiding is simple.

Double french braids to the front, swooped into kinky ponytails:

Because the braids start in the middle, as opposed to the front, they last all week. The only thing I have to do is rebrush the sides. You can get fancy and add beads to the braids before the swoop.

Classic french braids into a semi-center Mohawk:

This style lasts an entire week with little to no maintenance. But weekly braiding and rebraiding takes quite a lot of energy and time!

Two pony tails on the top that blend into an endless kinky ponytail:

This is one of the easier styles that must be maintained daily.

Five french braids in the back, ending in separate ponytails close enough to look like one kinky ponytail:

Again, since the braids aren’t originating in the front, they stay in place nearly all week.

And my personal favorite, the three-part FroHawk (aka Mohawk):

The parting and symmetry take a while, but the look is worth it. I can get away with only recombing the front and back ponytail daily, as the middle stays in tack.

Happy Styling!

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