
Moms Making Moves: KMR Attorney and Mother of Twins!
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Moms Making Moves: KMR Attorney and Mother of Twins!

“I labored for hours. Underwent an emergency c-section. Survived a double NICU stay. And endured four days of a grueling hospital recovery. I finally brought my babies home on a Sunday, and on Monday morning I got the call. ‘I know you just had babies, but…’ It was a real-estate agent calling to report that…

Moms: What Do You Want To Be When You Grow Up?

Moms: What Do You Want To Be When You Grow Up?

Oh, you don’t know? You aren’t alone. Do you feel silly asking yourself this elementary question as an adult? Don’t feel bad, a lot of us have asked ourselves the same thing. Do you feel like you’re in a career rut, a stagnant position, just straight up stuck? Really, what do you want to be…