
Father’s Day Should Only Be About Fathers-Period.

Father’s Day Should Only Be About Fathers-Period.

Whenever Father’s Day rolls around I find myself appreciative, conflicted and then angry throughout the day (in that order) with all the mixed messages I see floating around social media and the innanet (aka messy internet). And this is the year I want to talk about it because it has become a giant elephant in…

Fathers Play A Critical Role In a Young Girl’s Life

Fathers Play A Critical Role In a Young Girl’s Life

Fathers play a critical role in shaping the thoughts and feelings of their daughters at a young age. In most cases, they are the first man that a young girl sees and trusts. It’s no surprise that she hangs onto his every word. More importantly, daughters pay close attention to how a father behaves and…

Fathers Are Parents, Not Babysitters. #NormalizeFatherhood

Fathers Are Parents, Not Babysitters. #NormalizeFatherhood

Fathers are not back-up, the help, or the assistant. In fact, they aren’t adjuncts in any shape or fashion. They are tenured parents with full-time roles and responsibilities, other duties as assigned, and no union rights available. Fathers are parents, not babysitters. And yet I often hear them referred to in these auxiliary roles, as…

Black Fathers Are Actually Winning at Parenthood
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Black Fathers Are Actually Winning at Parenthood

“Black Fathers Don’t Pull Their Weight.” This is the consensus, right? It’s interesting that we sit back and believe that garbage. It’s time to shatter, crush, and dismantle that lie. I’m about to tell you something that may blow your mind and change everything you know about everything.