Month: October 2016

Recipe:  Savory Chili For Moms that Love Flavor

Recipe: Savory Chili For Moms that Love Flavor

As we head into autumn, we look towards yummy, hot meals that keep our family happy and satisfied. Need something that makes a wonderful leftover? Try this savory recipe. You probably have most of the ingredients in your kitchen already.

Words of Affirmation, From Mother to Daughter
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Words of Affirmation, From Mother to Daughter

Affirmation is essential. At 4 years old, my daughter is a sponge. She’s soaking up the world around her and downloading long-lasting thoughts onto her miniature mental hard-drive. At this age, her slate is still clean and impressionable. It is my duty as her mother to help shape her confidence and esteem with sugar and…

Showing My Daughter What Love Looks Like
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Showing My Daughter What Love Looks Like

  From an early age, children learn the phrase “I love you.” Most likely they hear this phrase before they can talk, and long before they can even begin to decipher the complexities of its meaning.  At some point, they begin to repeat it back to you and even learn to use it in appropriate…

7 Autumn Activities For Your Family to Enjoy!
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7 Autumn Activities For Your Family to Enjoy!

It’s that time again, my favorite time of the year. Autumn. When the world changes from beautiful greens, yellows and pinks to reds, oranges and browns. I can pull out my warm sweaters, dig up my cute fall boots, and rock my trendy jackets. As my favorite fall shows re-emerge, I can sit in front…

Mommy List:  10 Reasons Why I’m Cranky Today
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Mommy List: 10 Reasons Why I’m Cranky Today

Why am I so cranky today?  Hmmm, let me list the reasons. I didn’t sleep well. For some odd and mysterious reason, my children morphed back into newborns and determined that being up during the night was much more ideal than sleeping. Can I take a nap? I cooked dinner and no one ate. You’d…

How You Can Redefine Your Identity After Motherhood

How You Can Redefine Your Identity After Motherhood

After school, marriage, family, and career (and not necessarily in that order), what’s next? You’ve basically gotten where you said you would be, and all the big-ticket events are in the past. So what now? Does your identity need a new definition?  What awaits around the corner? Do you get caught up in the doldrums…

How I Feel About Parental Advice From Non-Parents
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How I Feel About Parental Advice From Non-Parents

No Kids? Giving Parental Advice? Please stop! We’ve all heard the advice before. “It’s easy, all you have to do is,”…. “she would sleep through the night if you just,”…. “he wouldn’t act that way if you simply….” Unsolicited advice from kid-less people that have no idea what its like to be a mom 24/7. Are these tidbits…

Mommy List:  12 Household Mysteries I Can’t Figure Out
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Mommy List: 12 Household Mysteries I Can’t Figure Out

If scientists could uncover these 12 mysteries, that’ll be great. The Great Sock Debate.  Like really. How do so many socks go missing?  Like, hundreds each year?  It’s a mystery that doesn’t even statistically add up. How do so many mates somehow lose their loved-ones in my dryer?  There have been many published theories over…

Back to Work After Maternity Leave:  Then Vs Now
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Back to Work After Maternity Leave: Then Vs Now

My thoughts on the first day of work back from maternity leave: It’s my first day back to work after maternity leave, and I can’t believe I made it without dying from emotional pain! Oh God it hurts! My little poopsie’s first day at daycare!  He’s probably scared and wondering where I am. Honey, I’m…

Awesome Idea:  Car Seat Dividers For Triplets

Awesome Idea: Car Seat Dividers For Triplets

If you have one or more children in your backseat, chances are you are too familiar with this scene. Spats, fighting, crying, debates about who is touching whom, or who is looking at whom. Back seat wars that will drive the sanest mom crazy! This dad figured out a brilliant way to separate his triplets…