Help, I Have Big Hair! How to Work Around the Struggles

The “Big Hair, Don’t Care” phrase has become a popular hashtag used by both men and women who proudly possess big, long locks of hair with a carefree attitude. The natural hair community owns this hashtag on social media and follows it up with photos of amazing big hair that appears to defy gravity.

While we are grateful and happy to embrace the opportunity to care for our big, luscious locks of hair, there are times when having big hair can be a real pain in the a$$! Allow me to share several big hair struggles and their solutions.

6 Solutions to Big Hair Struggles

Struggle 1: Coat hood won’t fit?

Solution: Opt for earmuffs and let the big hair keep your head warm.
Struggle 2: Shower caps just don’t cut it!Solution: Plastic grocery bags to the rescue!

Struggle 3: Trying to detangle big hair.

Solution: Make sure you have the best detangler for your child’s hair type, because some need more oil and some need more slip (and ingredient that makes the hair slippery and easier to take apart). You want to saturate the hair and work from the tip to the roots. Never do this tired, rushed or frustrated. You will pull out so much hair! Set aside the time and bring your patience.

Struggle 4: Sectioning.

Solution : A good detangling session will make this so much easier because you can actually part through the hair when there are no knots in it. When it’s time to braid, twist or straighten and you realize the amount of hair that needs your attention, take a deep breath! You’re in it for the long haul.

Struggle 5. “Wash day.” When you have big hair, “wash day” can make you want to run out and get a pixie cut.

Solution: Decide beforehand which day you’re going to give up because it can take an entire work day to get big hair washed, conditioned, and set! Get yo mind right!

Struggle 6: When your hair is not in a protective style and humidity hits.

Solution : Lift your chin, pull your shoulders back, add lip gloss and own that big hair!

Basically, anytime you need to do anything with big hair is when problems can occur. As you grow with your hair, patience and creativity will become your saving grace.

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